eraser by nendo
8 random things ..................................................................................................................
I've been eating strawberries with greek yoghurt every day this summer
Did that with tiramisu once....wouldn't recommend that one , although it was great while it lasted.
Two weeks ago i dyed my hair because i'm developing grey ones...
i like my own color and it's hard to find a color that looks the same
I called my blog grey but the word i use for it in private is rubble because that word
sums up all the different kinds of grey. I heard that word for the first time on September 11th 2001.
Large paint manufacturers started making what i call rubble colors because i wasn't the only one influenced in that way because of 9-11. They said it was because we needed safe colors around us.
Kate Bush used to be my roll model when i was about 10 or 12.
I love watching documentary's like the one over here
Next year i want to start taking driving lessons
Our cat isn't really ours , he walked in one day and decided he was going to live with us.
After 2 years he went missing , so we hung up posters around the neighborhood and we got a call from his owner who lives in our block telling us it was his cat. He doesn't mind Nico or Fritz as we like to call him is with us all the time.
Copenhagen is my favorite city to visit and i would like to move to Antwerp
One big + about Antwerp is that it's close to Paris.
I'm not tagging anyone else unless you insist on me to tag you.
I was tagged by Tracy over at simplyolive