natural indigo powder bath dipped 8 times on white linen
after so many times i really started to love the color
it's dark and the blue is still very intense
for the bath i used soda ash and hydrosulfite in the form of color remover
and i'm looking into ways that are environmentally friendly
like this beautiful japanese methode or this western methode
with wheat bran you can use yeast as well
now the hard thing is dyeing a big piece even ...
i know how to do it but it needs a special set up that i'm working on
involving rain water , a large bucket and a table to lay the fabric on after
you remove it from the bath to avoid unevenness
... dyeing with indigo is even more of a pleasure than other natural dyes
because you have to be so gentle to avoid air getting into the vat
and it doesn't have to be boiled so you don't get hot or burn your hands
( a beginners mistake i hope..)
this is how fabrics are hung out to dry in china
a lovely sight
green is next on my wish list..